Miss Paisley turned 3!

This sweet little muffin is so artistic and loves to paint. She takes it very seriously. When she was painting this canvas I came over to talk to her. At first I was whispering and saying, like, "oh, that looks so pretty." Then I started talking at regular volume to her and she immediately hushed me--she was trying to concentrate!

She drags her magna doodle around with her like a pet, taking it everywhere from in the car to bed. Brad and I agree it is the best toy we ever bought, and since the screen was getting pretty gray...

...we decided she needed a new one. She was so happy!

My parents came to celebrate and we went to John's Incredible Pizza. I crack up at this "I'm eating pizza and watching cartoons" daze they are in.

We rode some rides and played some games and had a great time.

Even little man loved it!

I made her a Rapunzel tower cake because:
A. We love that movie.
B. Paisley's long, pretty hair reminds me of Rapunzel's.
C. Paisley likes to sing that song from
Tangled when I brush her hair.

It would be nice if, like in
Tangled, Paisley's hair had special power to keep me young forever, but even more so I wish it had power to keep her young forever! I'm kinda glad I don't have the option of freezing Paisley in time just the way she is because it would be very tempting...but probably not so good for her progression. I just LOVE her squishy little body and sing-song little voice and sweet personality so much and wish she could be my little girl forever! These are such precious days when a bandaid and a cuddle can solve most anything.