G: Mom, I don't want to talk about this right now.
Me: Ok, what do you want to talk about?
G: Nothing. Let's just eat.
Me: Ok.
G: (after 2 seconds of silence) Mom, I'm going to miss you when I'm in Hawaii.
Me: Oh! Who are you going to stay with in Hawaii?
G: Mimi and Opa. Mimi is going to pick me up from the airport and take me to their house. They have a big, tall house and I have a princess bed. Can you take me to the airport?
Sounds like a good idea to me! BTW: Mimi and Opa (Brad's parents) live in Ohio.
Then she asked to go to the bathroom and told me not to be angry. SAD! I totally hate taking my kids potty in public. It's not easy to herd 3 kids into a stall and keep all of their hands in sanitary places and get all of the business taken care of while usually holding Paisley. But when she said that I realized that I shouldn't be so irritated with her (or Finn) when nature calls. Definitely a lesson learned from lunch and her honest comment. So I pushed Paisley, highchair and all, into the bathroom and it wasn't a big deal.
As for Paisley, she ate both of Mickey's ears. Some people in the booth next to us asked if we went to the Broadstone gym (which we totally do, like everyday, because I love the childcare and the chance it gives me to get out and workout). Well, they recognized Paisley with her pigtails. She's like a local celebrity! And such a cutie! I love my girlie girls!