Wow, back to Halloween? Really? I guess I slipped pretty far behind on the posting. In my mind it's still, like, January so it's hard for me to accept it being April tomorrow and I'm 35 weeks prego! But it's time to kick it into gear and get ready for Baby Boy's arrival. But in an attempt to prevent this from becoming too much of a "blah-blah-blog," I'm just going to hit the highlights in photos and keep the narrative to a minimum. Here we go, the past 5 months in a nutshell:

Paisley was some sort of improvised pink fairy for Halloween, but I forgot her tutu and she was more interested in holding that cookie than her wand.

Galla insisted on the standard 4-year-old girl costume: Cinderella.

I got a sweet deal on a brand new Buzz costume off Craigslist and Finn loved it! He's a huge Buzz/Woody fan and we are really looking forward to Toy Story 3 coming out.

Such a fun Fall day. Who can resist lying in a huge leaf pile?

My girlies are so cute and love to be cozy!

Thanksgiving cheers at Nanny's.

A quick family shot on the couch after a delicious dinner.

Finn's 3rd birthday! He loved his blue lightsaber cake I made complete with glow sticks. I could show a more detailed pic, but I think you get the idea. Also, I love this picture with Anakin on the TV in the background because I think he and Finn look similar with the hair-do and all. Finn was so cute on his birthday soaking up all the attention. He is such a good boy!

Picking out our Christmas tree.

A Christmas Eve horsey ride with cousin Conner.

Christmas Eve cousins picture. Look how adorable baby Addison is on Galla's lap. She was born Nov 12 and we are just loving her--she is so sweet!

Can we open our presents yet?!

A nice "blue steel" look from Finn on his new bike Christmas morning.

Paisley loves her new scooter (even if the handle bars are a little high) and was happy to pose and give me a "cheeeeese!"

You go Galla! Sweet ride!

Go ahead and keep playing your Wii...I'll be over here with the quiche!

Fast forward to March (we did do things in Jan and Feb, but we'll skip it for now) and Galla's 5th birthday--
The Princess and the Frog! These little princesses were all so sweet and spent the whole time twirling and telling each other how beautiful they looked.

Of course I had to make a frog cake--pucker up!

And these were the cupcakes she took to preschool.

This picture is from an 80's party Brad and I went to a couple weeks ago. In case you didn't guess, Brad is "Brand" from
The Goonies. I think my eyeshadow looked pretty amazing, but the crimp job ended up looking more "poodle" than "posh." I just thought I'd share the awesomeness with you!
And that about brings us up to speed. Now let's hope time slows down a little bit because I've got a list to accomplish (blankets to sew, a dresser to refinish...) before giving birth. And don't even think about coming early...cinco de mayo, please!