Ok, ok, I've obviously been absent from the blogosphere for quite some time now, so this information may have already made its way around the blog block a time or two, but if anyone missed this tip it's worth making a comeback for! So, everyone is familiar with the
Baby Einstein DVDs and maybe even has the whole Costco pack of 'em like me. Galla enjoyed them when she was little, but they haven't gotten much use since. Well, apparently some people were pretty ticked when these movies didn't live up to their name and make their kids geniuses, so there was a lawsuit like last October. I don't know all the legal details, but I do know that you can get a refund of $15.99 per DVD for up to 4 DVDs per household. Seriously. I sent 4 in a couple months ago and the check for $63.96 came in the mail today! Go
here to get the details. It's totally legit and I didn't even have the original cases. But the offer is only valid through March 4, so if you want to get some cash you'd better go dig up those old DVDs soon.
Anyway, I guess something about taking care of 3 little ones and being pregnant has taken away my desire/ability to sit at a computer for any length of time or to do much more than check (notice I didn't say respond to) my email, but I am working on a comeback. I'm building up mental momentum and plan to resume blogging soon (but don't expect anything spectacular) because I miss y'all!