These are some pictures to summarize our summer. Not much explanation needed. Most of them our just in our backyard but to me they convey the joys of childhood. I wish I could still run around in my underwear eating popsicles!

LOVE this picture--so classic!

My sweet girls in their matching summer dresses.

This bad boy is our garden guard! I was the lucky one to discover him, but Brad is definitely the one holding him up to meet the kids. I have mixed feelings about him. I appreciate the work he puts into keeping our garden critter-free, but I think I'll keep my distance.

Hi Paisley!

Finn riding his trike.

And when Finn gets tired of riding his own, he hitches a ride on Galla's!

Splashin' in the little Wal-Mart pool--which is bigger than you think when you are trying to transport it home.

Paisley was endlessly entertained by the, like, 2 inch slide.

Sayonara summer. We look forward to your sweet heat next year!