With the kids napping and me trying to avoid having to do anything genuinely productive, I thought I'd post a blog about my birthday. It was last week, but I feel like it has been a nice stretched out celebration around here with all the gifts I've been getting and fun we've been having. Brad and I went out last weekend and the weekend before and celebrated on my birthday by Brad making steak and carrot cake. YUM!

My awesome in-laws got me a gift card to
Sephora so I got to go get my make-up done and buy some products I liked. They do the consultation for free and didn't make me feel any pressure to buy. It was so fun! I was going to put a picture of me wearing the make-up, but that would mean I'd have to actually do my make-up and it's not so much a make-up day today!

Brad took me shoe shopping at
DSW where I got these killer heels. I LOVE them! I expected Galla to be equally enamored with them since she loves to play with my shoes, especially the dressy ones, but when I put them on and asked her if she liked them, she simply said, "nope." Later she noticed the bees and bugs on them, though, and decided she does like them.

My parents got me this beautiful panoramic
picture of the Oakland Temple. I know on top of the fridge seems like a random display place, but if you've ever been to my apartment you'd know that it's great because it's so visible from the entry way, living room and kitchen. I love the tone it sets in our home and the reminder that it is of how blessed we are. I certainly am very blessed in so many ways. Thank you to everyone who celebrated my 26th birthday with me. Who says that getting old isn't fun? I wish it was my birthday everyday!